引用文献 |
1 | 中村庄八(1995)小野子火山の発達史. 地質学会102年大会講演要旨集, 246. | Nakamura, S. (1995) Stratigraphy and evolution of Onoko Volcano in Gunma Prefecture, Central Japan (abs.). Abstracts, the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, 246. | 662 |
2 | 若月 聰(1991)群馬県小野子火山の地質と岩石. 火山学会予稿集, 1991-2, 85. | Wakatsuki, S. (1991) Geology and Petrolohgy of Onoko Volcano, Gunma Prefecture (abs.). Programme and Abstracts, the Volcanological Society of Japan, 1991-2, 85. | 1088 |
3 | 中村庄八(1997) 小野子火山の地質とその基盤の構造. 地球科学, 51, 346-360 | Nakamura, S. (1991) Geology of Onoko volcano and its basement structures, central Japan. Earth science (Chikyu Kagaku), 51, 346-360. (in Japanese with English abstract) | 661 |
4 | 高橋正樹、未公表K-Ar年代 | | |