引用文献 |
1 | 早津賢二・清水 智・板谷徹丸(1994)妙高火山群の活動史, −多世代火山−. 地学雑, 103, 207-220. | Hayatsu, K., Shimizu, S. and Itaya, T. (1994) Volcanic History of Myoko Volcano Group, Central Japan - Poly-generation volcano -. Journal of Geography, 103, 207-220. | 215 |
2 | 早津賢二(1985)妙高火山群, −その地質と活動史−. 第一法規出版, 344p. | | |
3 | 金子隆之・清水 宏・板谷徹丸(1991)信越高原地域に分布する第四紀火山のK-Ar年代と形成史. 震研彙報, 66, 299-332. | Kaneko, T., Shimizu, S. and itaya, T. (1991) K-Ar Ages of the Quaternary volcanoes in the Shin-etsu highland area, central Japan, and their formation history. Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 66, 299-332. | 365 |