引用文献 |
1 | 早津賢二・清水 智・板谷徹丸(1994)妙高火山群の活動史, −多世代火山−. 地学雑, 103, 207-220. | Hayatsu, K., Shimizu, S. and Itaya, T. (1994) Volcanic History of Myoko Volcano Group, Central Japan - Poly-generation volcano -. Journal of Geography, 103, 207-220. | 215 |
2 | 長谷中利昭・吉田武義・早津賢二(1995)妙高火山群溶岩の化学組成とマグマ溜まり課程. 東北大核理研報告, 28, 43-82. | | 175 |
3 | 早津賢二(1985)妙高火山群, −その地質と活動史−. 第一法規出版, 344p. | | 211 |
4 | | Kawachi, S. and Hayatsu, K. (1994) Debris avalanche and lahar deposits in the Yatsugatake volcanic chain and myoko volcano group, central Japan. Jour. Nat. Disast. Sci., 16, 55-69. | 46 |
5 | | M.Sakuyama(1981) Petrological study of the Myoko and Kurohime volcano, Japan: crystallization sequence and evidence for magma mixing, J.Petrol., 22, 553-583. | 46 |