引用文献 |
1 | 水野清秀・下川浩一・山崎晴雄・杉山雄一(1993)伊豆北縁部プレート境界付近に分布する古期第四系の年代と堆積場の変化.第四紀学会第23回大会講演予稿集,76-77. | Mizuno, K., Shimokawa, K., Yamazaki, H. and Sugiyama, Y. (1993) Stratigraphy an correlation of the older Quaternary deposits distributed along the northern margin of the Izu block (abs.). Programme and Abstracts, Japan Association for Quaternary Research, 76-77. | 587 |
2 | 海野 進・大木光一(1989)南部フォッサマグナ岩渕火山群の岩石学.日本地質学会第96年学術大会講演要旨,533. | Umino, S. and Ooki, K. (1989) Petrology of Iwabuchi Volcano Group, southern Fossa Magna (abs.). Abstracts, the 96th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, 533. | 1064 |
3 | 杉山 雄一・下川 浩一(1982)静岡県庵原地域の地質構造と入山断層系.地質調月,33,293-320. | Sugiyama, Y. and Shimokawa, K. (1982) The geologic structure of the Ihara district and the Iriyama fault system in the Fossa Magna region, central Japan. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, 33, 293-320. (in Japanese with English abstract) | 904 |
5 | 1/5万 地形図 富士宮・吉原 | 1:50,000 Geologic Map 「Fujinomiya」「」 | 21 |