引用文献 |
1 | 後藤芳彦・合地信生(1991) 北海道知床半島における海底火山帯の復元.火山, 36, 37-50 | Goto, Y. and Gouchi, N. (1991) Reconstruction of Submarine Volcanos in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido. Bull.Volcanol.Soc.Japan, 36, 37-50. in Japanese with English abstract | 159 |
2 | | Goto, Y., Gouchi, N. and Itaya, T. (1990) Mafic dyke and emplocement mechanism, 25-33, Balkems Press, Rotterdam. | 46 |
3 | | Yamagishi, H. (1987) Rept. Geol. Surv. Hokkaido, 59, 55-117 | 46 |
4 | 杉本良也・松井公平・土居繁雄(1971)5万分の1地質図幅「知床岬」及び同説明書.北海道開発庁, 21p. | Sugimoto, Y., Matsui, K. and Doi, S. (1971) The geological sheet map "Shiretoko Misaki", scale 1:50,000 and its explanetary text., Hokkaido Development Agancy, 21p. in Japanese with English abstract | 899 |
5 | 後藤芳彦(1989)北大卒論 | Goto, Y.(1989) Graduation Thesis, Hokkaido Univ. In Japanese | 160 |
6 | | Goto, Y. (1994). Ph. D. thesis, Hokkaido Univ. 211pp. | 46 |