引用文献 |
1 | 横山泉ら(1976)北海道防災会議「雌阿寒岳」 | Yokoyama, I. et al. (1976) Me-Akandake, Its volcanic geology, history of eruption, present state of activity and prevention of disasters. Committee for Prevention of Disasters of Hokkaido, Sapporo. in Japanese | 1153 |
5 | | K.Wada (1989) Whole-rock chemical composition of the Akan volcanic field, eastern Hokkaido, Japan:chracterization of magmatism beneath the region. J.Hokkido Univ. Education, Sec.IIB, 39-2, 37-48. In Japanese with English abstract | 46 |
6 | 大川・横山(1979)重力異常からみた阿寒カルデラの構造.北海道大学地球物理学研究報告,38,17ー29 | Okawa, S. and Yokoyama, I. (1979) Geophys.Rep. Hokkaido Univ., 38, 17-29. In Japanese with English abstract | 739 |
7 | 奥村晃史(1991)北海道地方の第四紀テフラ研究.第四紀研究,30,379ー390 | Okumura, K. (1991) Quaternary Tephra Studies in the Hokkaido District, Notherrn Japan. Quaternary Res., 30, 379-390. In Japanese with English abstract | 741 |