引用文献 |
1 | 中川光弘・丸山裕則・船山淳(1995)北海道第四紀火山の分布と主成分化学組成の広域変化.火山,40,13ー31. | Nakagawa, M., Maruyama, H. and Funayama, A. (1995) Distribution and spatial variation in major element chemistry of Quaternary volcanoes in Hokkaido, Japan. Bull.Volcanol.Soc.Japan 40, 13-31. in Japanese with English abstract. | 647 |
2 | 杉山良也・三谷勝利・松下勝秀・高橋俊正(1962) 5万分の1地質図幅「峰浜」及び同説明書.北海道開発庁, 48p. | Sugiyama, R, Mitani, K., Matsushita, K. and Takahashi, T. (1962) The geological sheet map "Minehama", scale 1:50,000 and its explanetary text., Hokkaido Development Agancy, 48p. in Japanese with English abstract | 901 |
3 | | Goto, Y. (1994) Ph.D. Thesis, Hokkaido Univ. In Japanese with English abstract | 46 |
4 | 丸山裕則 (1992) 東部北海道第四紀火山岩の広域変化の精密検討 - 十勝-大雪火山地域の化学組成異常- 北大卒論 | Maruyama,H.(1992) Graduation Thesis, Hokkaido Univ. In Japanese | 529 |