引用文献 |
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5 | 一色直記(1984b)大島火山の歴史時代における活動記録.地調月報,35,477-499. | Isshiki, N. (1984) Records of activity of Oshima Volcano in historic times. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, 35, 477-499. (in Japanese) | 305 |
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7 | 岡田利典・光畑徹・板谷徹丸(1990)伊豆大島火山のK-Ar年代.岡山理大学蒜山研研報, 16,67-78. | Okada, T., Mitsuhata, T. and Itaya, T. (1990) K-Ar ages of the Izu-Oshima volcano, central Japan. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. of Sci., 16, 67-78. | 736 |
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10 | 一色直記・中村一明・田沢堅太郎(1981)大島火山大噴火の平均反復周期:14Cによる成果.火山,26-235. | Ishhiki, N., Nakamura, K. and Tazawa, K. (1981) Averadge Interval of Major Activities of Oshima Volcano, Izu, as Revealed by 14C Dating. Bull. Volc. Soc. Japan, 26, 235-238. (in Jaoanese) | 272 |