引用文献 |
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2 | | Fujita, S.(1972) Geology of the Shikaribetsu volcano. Graduation Thesis, Hokkaido Univ. In Japanese | 46 |
3 | 中川光弘・丸山裕則・船山淳(1995)北海道第四紀火山の分布と主成分化学組成の広域変化.火山,40,13ー31. | Nakagawa, M., Maruyama, H. and Funayama, A. (1995) Distribution and Spatial variation in major element chemistry of Quaternary volcanoes in Hokkaido, Japan. Bull.Volcanol.Soc.Japan, 40, 13-31. in Japanese with English abstract | 647 |
4 | 十勝団体研究会(1972)十勝平野の後期洪積世の降下軽石堆積物について. 第四紀研究,11,219-227. | Tokachi Research Group (1972) The Pumice-fall deposits of the late Pleistocene in the Tokachi Plain, Hokkaido. Quaternary Res., 11, 219-227. in Japanese with English abstract | 1010 |