引用文献 |
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2 | 林 信太郎,稲葉玲子,進藤 紀幸(1990)東北日本男鹿半島,寒風火山噴出物の主要元素組成. 秋田大学教育学部研究紀要,第41巻,187-190. | Hayashi, S., Inaba, R. and Shindo, N., 1990: Major element chemistry of volcanic rocks from Kampu volcano, Northeastern Japan. Memoirs of the College of Education, Akita Univ., 27, 187-190.(in Japanese with English abstract) | 207 |
3 | 林信太郎、吉田武義、高嶋幸生、青木謙一郎 (1991)東北日本、寒風火山の微量元素組成. 東北大学核理研報告,第24巻,274-285. | Hayashi, S., Yoshida, T. Takashima, K. and Aoki, K. 1991: Trace element abundances of the rocks from Kampu volcano, northeastern Japan. Res. Rep. Lab. Nuclear Sci., Tohoku Univ., 24, 274-285.(in Japanese with English abstract) | 209 |
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