
131目潟別名 日本の火山第1版  125 
火山番号147 日本の火山第2版  147 
火山名目潟 活火山カタログ   
個別火山体の位置 火山体番号   

 著 者 林 信太郎

      地形的  主火道 
 緯  度    39.952 
 経  度    139.742 
 最高点高度   m
 基盤高度   m
 分布面積   km2
 火山体体積  0.05  km3

 噴出物の分類  Maar, mudflows, base-surges, pumice falls, scoria and lapilli. IIa mud flow: 0.0006 cu.km IIb fall: 0.015 cu.km IIc fall: 0.01 cu.km III fall: 0.025 cu.km 
 火山体の分類  MA 
 層序  0.03-0.02Ma The first stage→Ichinomegata maar: mudflows. The second stage→mudflows and base-surges, and pumice eruptions. Essential calcalkaline andesite pumice which enclose mafic and ultramafic xenoliths. Not also Ichinomegata maar but Ninomegata maar was active at this stage. The third stage→scoria and lapilli of high-alumina basalt . Sannomegata maar was formed. . 
 年代測定値  Aira-Tn ash (22 ka )was found from the soil between second and third stage (Kitamura, 1990). 

 玄武岩  主要 
 玄武岩質安山岩  少ない 
 安山岩  主要 
 デイサイト  主要 
 流紋岩  なし 

 Calcalkaline high-K andesites ( SiO2=53.9 - 60.7% ) [3] [9] Tab.1 , nos. 4-9 (6samples): Phenocryst assemblage is olivine, augite, hornblende, biotite, quartz, plagioclase and magnetite. High-alumina basalt scoria erupted from Sannomegata (SiO2=50.6- 51.0% ) [3] [9] Tab.1 , nos. 1-3 (3samples): Phenocrysts are olivine, augite, plagioclase and magnetite. High-alumina basalt (include primary basalt) and basaltic andesite erupted from Sannomegata (Sannome-gata; SiO2=48.6-54.2% ) [10] Tab.2 , (10 samples): Phenocrysts are olivine, augite, plagioclase and magnetite.  

1 北村 繁(1990) 男鹿半島目潟の形成年代. 東北地理,42,161-167. Kitamura, S. (1990) Ages of Megata Maars in the Oga Peninsula, Japan. Ann. Tohoku Geogr. Assoc., 42, 161-167. 441
2  Aoki, K. (1971) Petrology of mafic inclusions from Itinome-gata, Japan. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 30, 314-331. 46
3  Aoki, K. and Fujimaki, H. (1982) Petrology and geochemistry of calc-alkaline andesite of presumed upper mantle origin from Itino-megata, Japan. Am. Mineral., 67, 1-13. 46
4  Arai, S. and Saeki, Y. (1980)Ultramafic-mafic inclusions from Sannomegata crater, Oga peninsula, Japan, with special reference to the petrographical difference from the Ichinomegata inclusions. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, 86, 705-708. 46
5  Katsui, Y. and Nemoto, S. (1977) On the ejecta from Itinomegata volcano, Oga peninsula. (Abstr.) Jour. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 22, 88. 46
6  Katsui, Y., Yamamoto, M., Nemoto, S. and Niida, K. (1979) Genesis of calc-alkalic andesite from Oshima-oshima and Ichinomegata volcanoes, north Japan. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser.IV, 19, 157-168. 46
7  Sakuyama, M. and Koyaguchi, T. (1984) Magma mixing in mantle xenolith-bearing calc-alkalic ejecta, Ichinomegata volcano, northeastern Japan. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 22, 199-224. 46
8 阿部 なつ江, 荒井 章司, 二ノ宮 淳 (1995) 東北日本弧,二ノ目潟かんらん岩捕獲岩および本質噴出物について.岩鉱 ,90,41-49. be, N. (1995) Peridotide xenoliths and essential eject from the Ninomegata crater, the North Japan arc. Jour. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol., 90, 41-49. 79
9 青木 謙一郎, 吉田 武義 (1986) 秋田県一の目潟の火山岩と地殻下部由来捕獲岩の微量成分. 核理研研究報告(東北大学理学部), 19, 279-287.   41
10 吉永 朋子、中川 光弘 (1999) 東北日本三ノ目潟火山からの初生玄武岩の発見とその組成変化.岩石鉱物鉱床学雑誌,94,241-253.  1163